"I, even I, am the One who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, and I will not remember your sins" - God (Isaiah 43:25)
This verse stirred up so many emotions in my heart as I read it.
Firstly, I was sorry for what I had done that caused me to sin against God. Secondly, I was aware of my tendency to transgress and that this is not the first time I have felt sorry for it. Thirdly, I was grateful for God's mercy in wiping out my wrongs against Him. Fourthly, I was even more grateful that the reason He has wiped them out is because of Himself. Not me, Him.
Maybe a part of me wants to feel special, maybe I want God to look at my sorry heart and have my sins wiped out because I am sorry. Maybe that is what you want too. Maybe we like to feel that we can earn forgiveness just by being sorry.
Maybe it is our pride. Actually, that IS our pride. This sense of pride demands a right to forgiveness because my heart is contrite, because I have felt the weight of my sins and I don't want to feel this way anymore. But this sense of pride forgets that God owes me nothing. He doesn't have to forgive me if he chooses and He could give me the punishment I deserve -- whether or not I feel bad.
Yes, but God in His mercy has chosen to forgive you and I because of who He is. For His name's sake. And because He had promised to heal the broken-hearted and save those who are contrite in Spirit (see Ps 34:18), He keeps to His word. He forgives us because He will not fail on His word.
That's a much better guarantee of forgiveness than my shedding tears. Yes, His word has said if we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). He is faithful to His word that He will forgive and He fulfils His word so that no one may defame His name (1 John 2:12).
The glory of His name is the reason I am encouraged when I am convicted of sin; I am assured that He will not dishonour His name by going back on His promise.
(This blogspot was inspired by this article on Desiring God website: http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/the-greatest-love)
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