One of the things that I have accepted, although reluctantly, is that it is impossible for everyone to be my "good" friend. I have tried hard to keep people I have met at some stage in life very close- regardless of distance, interests, religion, beliefs and life views. With time, I realised that wanting to be close to everyone meant my being close to no one. It's impossible to give your full attention and time to everyone. Only God can do that. So rather than tie people down with half-hearted friendships, I am learning to be sincere in defining my relationships.
Understanding that I can’t be everything to everyone, I have had to stop putting on others the burden to be a great friend. I understand that if anyone made a promise to ALWAYS be there but they haven’t actually been, they must have had good intentions but as people say, life happens. So I forgive you because I haven’t been the perfect friend myself and I need to be forgiven too.
But thanks be to God! Yes, we are all fallen humans, inadequate in creating the deepest longest lasting relationships, but there we find Jesus- the faithful friend.
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness,
Take it to the Lord in prayer
Joseph Scriven understood that Jesus is the most faithful friend anyone can have; the words above are from a letter he wrote to his mother when distance and circumstance separated them in her illness. I implore to you look to Jesus as your best friend, seeking His help first before going to anyone else.
Have a think, is there anyone who you are depending on to always be faithful? Relieve them of the burden and put all your trust in Jesus.
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