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Fighting Temptation

I often have times when I say to myself “I shouldn’t really be doing this, but this is the last time I will indulge”. Honestly, I know that the last time is usually not the last as there is high chance that I will be faced with the situation one more time.

The thing is we live in a fallen world and what that means for Christ’s followers is that no matter how hard we try, we have desires for things that are not good for us. A desire in itself may not be harmful but when followed by action, it is given its power. James, the brother of Jesus, speaks about this:
“ … each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death” -James 1:14-15

Desire is that thing within us that seems to  have a life of its own. It is almost like an involuntary function- one which its onset cannot be controlled. It is triggered, however, by something that is alluring, an enticement, that brings about the temptation (the urge) to go after it.

James, in the passage above, does not mince words. If we give in to our sinful desires- the desires that lead us to disobey God’s Word- then we are walking towards death.
Let’s face it, as Christians, through our days on this earth, we are constantly engaged in the battle between the flesh and the Spirit (Galatians 5: 16&17). The desires that appeal to our sinful nature seem ever so present these days, and living in the digital era, they are placed before our eyes and are easily accessible. Recently, I have been faced with so many desires to pursue fame and money, for pre-marital sex, desires to be lauded by others and to disobey God’s commands. Unfortunately, these things are usually celebrated in our time but in fact, they are the colourful lights that illuminate the road to eternal oblivion.

Alistair Begg (see video linked below) gives a good illustration of a vicious cycle we find ourselves in:

Attraction => Deception => Pre-occupation =>  Conception  => Subjection  => Desperation

The way it goes, we are attracted by something that triggers a desire to have or do it. The devil deceives us that it is actually better for us to indulge than ignore and then we spend time pondering on what to do about this enticement. We conceive in our minds how to fulfill our desires and then we gradually subject ourselves to it- enslaved, consumed, addicted. Usually, after indulging, I find myself ridden with guilt and then I am ashamed to go before God and ask for forgiveness. Here, despair sets in, causing me to feel very distant from God. The devil deceives again, telling me that I am too far gone to be redeemed. At this point, one may give up trying to resist their sinful desires therefore keeping locked in the cycle.

James, making reference to this, tells us in verse 16, “Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren”. Do not be deceived by sin’s colourful, shiny bait. Do not be deceived that you can swim around this bait without getting hooked. When you are being enticed, do not be deceived that there is no way out. Paul, writing to the Corinthians says:
“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”-  1 Cor 10: 13
An important point to note is that God is good and He will give us a way to escape falling into the temptation. Sometimes, it is as simple as fleeing (1 Cor 6:18 says we must flee from sexual immorality; 2 Tim 2:22 says we must flee youthful lusts). And if you think you have the power to withstand the pressure of these inviting circumstances remember, “let him who thinks he stands take heed, lest he fall” (1 Cor 10:12).

You know, chances are the last time you said you’d indulge you knew in your heart it wasn’t. Chances are it is a sin no else knows you are dealing with. Seek counsel and accountability. You are more likely to avoid the sin if you know that someone is watching you although, ironically, you tend to forget that God is watching us all.
God is good. He has given us His Spirit to guide us. His Spirit renews us and the things that enticed us gradually lose their appeal to us.

I found these videos helpful when I decided to write on this topic. Have a look at them:

Take care and may God help us all to stand.



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