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Showing posts from 2012

Book Review: The Spider King's Daughter

I was excited when I read on my BBM updates that this book was going to be made available to the public to enjoy last week. Soon after I had asked the author where I could get the book, I made my way to the University's Waterstones with a wide grin on my face. The inquisitive shop-attendant broke the news that it had not been stocked on our rural shelves yet, so he asked that I order it and expect it within two days. It came the next day.  My reading of The Spider King's Daughter was crammed into short breaks between typing up laboratory reports and essays at first, but something had to give. I finished the book that day. It is a page-turner and for a reader as myself who likes all the details on every page to sink in, I had to make sacrifices. Though the book's title gives the opinion that "daughter" is the main character, in my opinion the book is a coalition of many different characters, each receiving a good share of limelight. Abike, t...

Carts & Horses

This post is inspired from a movie called Wasted Oil, a Nigerian Gospel movie that I am currently watching as I type. "...And seek the Kingdom of God first, and righteousness,  and all other things will be added unto you" The word and   is used in a place of succession similar to then, thereafter, afterwards, so that- these are words and phrases used to describe what will come in the latter, a consequence of an action. It's usual to misinterpret this verse as the word and has been replaced mentally with the likes of as, whilst, during- words that show simultaneity. Think of carts attached to horses. A cart is not pushed forward by the horses muzzle, instead, it is drawn from behind the horse's saddle. The cartwright has designed it that the cart will be (nearly) impossible to move if pushed forward. And so it is for us; consequences do not come before actions. Deuteronomy 8:1 "Obey faithfully... so that you may live" There is alw...

I am Second.

Hi. I am FeyVored. I have been called to seek the Kingdom of God and righteousness, FIRST, before anything else. Anything at all; whether it be fame, money or even recognition. This is my resolve, and every thing that I may write here to inspire  you must FIRST come from God. I am a servant. I am not the one that eyes should be set on. I look to THE ONE who gained the victory. I place God first. As for me, I am Second. For more testimonies, visit